F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
1886 🕒 3 | ⚽ 3 | 🔥 2 | #41 |
Previous Player | Next Player |
M Harry Yates | 🏴 | #40 | | F Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 | #42 | |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Arthur Albert Loach
Personal Profile

Birth Date | Birthplace | Birth Country | Citizenship | Height | Foot |
8 November 1863 | West Bromwich | England 🏴 | England 🏴 |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Villa Youth Record

F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Previous Clubs

Christ Church School
George Salter Works FC
1885-86 West Bromwich Albion
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Transfer In

Season | Joined Date | Aged | Fee | From | From | Signed Under |
1886-87 | 1886 | 22 | Free | West Bromwich Albion 🏴 | George Ramsay | 🏴 | |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Villa Career
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 |
Aston Villa 1886 | Free |
FA Cup |
🕒 3 | ⚽ 3 | 🔥 2 | #41 |

Seasons Active | In Fee
Active in League
🕒 Games | Starts (Subs) | ⚽ Goals | 🔥 Assists | 🇺 Unused | Player Number |
🟩 Won | 🟨 Drew | 🟥 Lost |
Cards 🟨 Booking | 🟥 Sending Off |
Goalkeepers Only 🥅 Goals Conceded | ⛔ Clean Sheets |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Played Under

George Ramsay | 🏴 | 1886
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Career Summary

🗓️ | 🕒 | ✅ | 🔁 | 🇺 | PPG | 🟩 | 🟨 | 🟥 | 🟩 % | 🟨 % | 🟥 % | ⚽ | 🔥 | Yellow | Red | GI | GPG | GPGi |
2 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 0 | - | 5 | 1.00 |
Seasons 🗓️, Games 🕒, Starts ✅, Substitute 🔁, Won 🟩, Drew 🟨, Lost 🟥, Unused 🇺, Goals Scored ⚽, Goals Conceded 🥅, Goals per Game GPG, Conceded per Game CPG, Goal Difference GD, Clean Sheets ⛔, Points per Game PPG, Goal Involvements GI, Games per Goal GPG, Games per Goal Involvement GPGi
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Competition Record

🕒 League | 🕒 FA Cup | 🕒 League Cup | 🕒 Europe | 🕒 European Cup |
0 | 0 | 0 |
⚽ League | ⚽ FA Cup | ⚽ League Cup | ⚽ Europe | ⚽ European Cup |
0 | 0 | 0 |
🔥 League | 🔥 FA Cup | 🔥 League Cup | 🔥 Europe | 🔥 European Cup |
0 | 0 | 0 |
League Gi | FA Cup Gi | League Cup Gi | Europe Gi | European Cup Gi |
0 | 0 | 0 |
League GPG | FA Cup GPG | League Cup GPG | Europe GPG | European Cup GPG |
0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
League GPGi | FA Cup GPGi | League Cup GPGi | Europe GPGi | European Cup GPGi |
0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Seasons 🗓️, Games 🕒, Starts ✅, Substitute 🔁, Won 🟩, Drew 🟨, Lost 🟥, Unused 🇺, Goals Scored ⚽, Goals Conceded 🥅, Goals per Game GPG, Conceded per Game CPG, Goal Difference GD, Clean Sheets ⛔, Points per Game PPG, Goal Involvements GI, Games per Goal GPG, Games per Goal Involvement GPGi
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Season by Season Record

🗓️ | 🎂 | 〽️ | 🏆 | 🕒 | ✅ | 🔁 | 🇺 | PPG | 🟩 | 🟩 % | 🟨 | 🟨 % | 🟥 | 🟥 % | ⚽ | 🔥 | Yellow | Red | GI | GPG | GPGi |
1886-87 | 23 | FAC | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 2 | - | - | 5 | 1.00 |
Seasons 🗓️, Age 🎂, League 〽️, Position 🏆, Games 🕒, Starts ✅, Substitute 🔁, Won 🟩, Drew 🟨, Lost 🟥, Unused 🇺, Goals Scored ⚽, Goals Conceded 🥅, Goals per Game GPG, Conceded per Game CPG, Goal Difference GD, Clean Sheets ⛔, Points per Game PPG, Goal Involvements GI, Games per Goal GPG, Games per Goal Involvement GPGi
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Goalkeeping Record

GK # | 🕒 | 🥅 | CPG | ⛔ | ⛔ % |
Season | 🕒 | 🥅 | CPG | ⛔ | ⛔ % |
Seasons 🗓️, Games 🕒, Goals Conceded 🥅, Goals per Game GPG, Conceded per Game CPG, Clean Sheets ⛔
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |

1886-87 FA Cup Winners |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Debuts & Dates

Season | First Squad | Manager |
1886-87 | 30 October 1886 | George Ramsay 🏴 |
Season | Debut | Aged | Manager |
1886-87 | 30 October 1886 | 22 | George Ramsay 🏴 |
Game # | First Goal | Scorer(s) |
Game # | First Assist |
Game # | First Clean Sheet |
Season | Final Game | Aged | Manager |
1886-87 | 11 December 1886 | 23 | George Ramsay 🏴 |
Season | Final Squad | Manager |
1887-88 | 11 December 1886 | George Ramsay | 🏴 | |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Loans Out

F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Transfer Out

Season | Date | Aged | Fee | To | To | Left Under |
1887-88 | 1888 | 23 | Free | Rhyl FC 🏴 | George Ramsay 🏴 |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Subsequent Clubs

1888-96 Rhyl FC
1896 Retired
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |

F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |

Player #41 for Aston Villa, Arthur Albert Loach played as a forward for the club. Arthur represented Villa three times during the 1886-87 FA Cup campaign.
Arthur was born in West Bromwich, less than seven miles from the current Villa ground, in November 1863 and made his debut as a 23 year old on 30th October 1886.
Villa had signed Arthur from West Bromwich Albion in what was to be the first transfer between the clubs.
Arthur played in 3 of the 10 games in Villa’s victorious 1886-87 FA Cup campaign. Arthur scored 3 goals on the way to the final including 2 in the 13-0 1st Round annihilation of Wednesbury Old Athletic.
Arthur’s final game for Villa came just over a month after his debut on the 11th December 1886. Arthur moved on to Rhyl FC.
Arthur played under the George Ramsay led Management Committee.
Arthur passed away in Rhyl in February 1958 aged 94 - having at that point become the oldest living Villa player.
1 February 1958, Aged 94
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |

Game | Matchday Summary | Match Squad |
Game #27 | 🟩 30 Oct 1886, Villa 13-0 Wednesbury, Wellington Road | GK Jimmy Warner | 🏴 |
B Frank Coulton | 🏴 |
B Joe Simmonds | 🏴 |
HB Dick Robertson | 🏴 |
HB Harry Yates | 🏴 |
HB Jack Burton | 🏴 |
W Albert A Brown | 🏴 |
F Richmond Davis | 🏴 |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 |
F Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 |
CF Archie Hunter | 🏴 | |
Game #28 | 🟩 20 Nov 1886, Villa 6-1 Derby Midland, Wellington Road | GK Jimmy Warner | 🏴 |
B Frank Coulton | 🏴 |
B Joe Simmonds | 🏴 |
HB Harry Yates | 🏴 |
HB Fred Dawson | 🏴 |
HB Jack Burton | 🏴 |
W Albert A Brown | 🏴 |
F Richmond Davis | 🏴 |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 |
F Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 |
CF Archie Hunter | 🏴 | |
Game #29 | 🟨 11 Dec 1886, Villa 2-2 Wolves, Wellington Road | GK Jimmy Warner | 🏴 |
B Frank Coulton | 🏴 |
B Joe Simmonds | 🏴 |
HB Dick Robertson | 🏴 |
HB Fred Dawson | 🏴 |
HB Jack Burton | 🏴 |
W Albert A Brown | 🏴 |
F Richmond Davis | 🏴 |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 |
F Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 |
CF Archie Hunter | 🏴 | |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |

Game | Matchday Summary | Line Up |
Game #27 | 🟩 30 Oct 1886, Villa 13-0 Wednesbury, Wellington Road | GK Jimmy Warner | 🏴 | 🟢 |
B Frank Coulton | 🏴 | 🟢 |
B Joe Simmonds | 🏴 |
HB Dick Robertson | 🏴 | 🟢 |
HB Harry Yates | 🏴 | 🟢 |
HB Jack Burton | 🏴 | ⚽ | ⚽ |
IR Albert Brown | 🏴 | 🔥 | ⚽ | ⚽ | ⚽ |
F Richmond Davis | 🏴 | ⚽ |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | 🟢 | ⚽ | ⚽ |
IL Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 | 🟢 | ⚽ | ⚽ |
CF Archie Hunter | 🏴 | ⚽ | ⚽ | ⚽ | |
Game #28 | 🟩 20 Nov 1886, Villa 6-1 Derby Midland, Wellington Road | GK Jimmy Warner | 🏴 |
B Frank Coulton | 🏴 |
B Joe Simmonds | 🏴 |
HB Harry Yates | 🏴 |
HB Fred Dawson | 🏴 | 🔥 |
HB Jack Burton | 🏴 |
IR Albert Brown | 🏴 | ⚽ | ⚽ |
F Richmond Davis | 🏴 | 🔥 |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | ⚽ | 🔥 |
IL Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 | ⚽ |
CF Archie Hunter | 🏴 | ⚽ | |
Game #29 | 🟨 11 Dec 1886, Villa 2-2 Wolves, Wellington Road | GK Jimmy Warner | 🏴 |
B Frank Coulton | 🏴 |
B Joe Simmonds | 🏴 |
HB Dick Robertson | 🏴 | 🔴 |
HB Fred Dawson | 🏴 |
HB Jack Burton | 🏴 |
IR Albert Brown | 🏴 | ⚽ | ⚽ |
F Richmond Davis | 🏴 |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | 🔥 | 🔴 |
IL Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 |
CF Archie Hunter | 🏴 | |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Substitute Appearances

Game | Matchday Summary | Substitutes |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Unused Substitute Appearances

Game | Matchday Summary | Unused Substitutes |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Goals Scored

Game | Matchday Summary | Scorer(s) |
Game #27 | 🟩 30 Oct 1886, Villa 13-0 Wednesbury, Wellington Road | Scorer(s) | Dennis Hodgetts | 1-0 | 4-0 | Arthur Loach | 2-0 | 7-0 | Archie Hunter | 3-0 | 11-0 | 13-0 | Richmond Davis | 5-0 | Jack Burton | 9-0 | 12-0 | Albert Brown | 6-0 | 8-0 | 10-0 | |
Game #28 | 🟩 20 Nov 1886, Villa 6-1 Derby Midland, Wellington Road | Scorer(s) | Own Goal | 2' | Dennis Hodgetts | 7' | Arthur Loach | 30' | Albert Brown | 4-1 | 5-1 | Archie Hunter | 6-1 | |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Assists Made

Game | Matchday Summary | Assist(s) |
Game #28 | 🟩 20 Nov 1886, Villa 6-1 Derby Midland, Wellington Road | Assist(s) | Richmond Davis | 30' | Fred Dawson | 4-1 | Arthur Loach | 5-1 | |
Game #29 | 🟨 11 Dec 1886, Villa 2-2 Wolves, Wellington Road | Assist(s) | Arthur Loach | 1-0 | |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
Cards Received

Game | Matchday Summary | Villa Cards |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |

International Record

International Career | Caps with Villa |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |

F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
🟩 30 Oct 1886, Villa 13-0 Wednesbury, Wellington Road

Game #27
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
Referee: John Adams | 🏴 | 1886-
HT Score: 🟩 5-0
FT Result: 🟩 Won
FT Score: 🟩 13-0
Last 5: 🟨 🟩 🟩 🟥 🟩
Season | 1886-87 |
Matchday | #1 |
Manager Game | #1 |
Saturday, 30 October 1886
FA Cup
Scorer(s) | Dennis Hodgetts | 1-0 | 4-0 | Arthur Loach | 2-0 | 7-0 | Archie Hunter | 3-0 | 11-0 | 13-0 | Richmond Davis | 5-0 | Jack Burton | 9-0 | 12-0 | Albert Brown | 6-0 | 8-0 | 10-0 |
Assist(s) | Albert Brown | 2-0 |

Starting XI
GK Jimmy Warner | 🏴 | 🟢 |
B Frank Coulton | 🏴 | 🟢 |
B Joe Simmonds | 🏴 |
HB Dick Robertson | 🏴 | 🟢 |
HB Harry Yates | 🏴 | 🟢 |
HB Jack Burton | 🏴 | ⚽ | ⚽ |
IR Albert Brown | 🏴 | 🔥 | ⚽ | ⚽ | ⚽ |
F Richmond Davis | 🏴 | ⚽ |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | 🟢 | ⚽ | ⚽ |
IL Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 | 🟢 | ⚽ | ⚽ |
CF Archie Hunter | 🏴 | ⚽ | ⚽ | ⚽ |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
GK Malpass (B Morley)
B Morley
B Mitchells
HB Cartwright
HB Byrne
HB Knight
RF Board
RF Tonks
LF Roberts
LF Heath
CF Powis
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
🟢 | 1’ Debut, Jimmy Warner, Frank Coulton, Harry Yates, Arthur Loach, Dennis Hodgetts.
⚽ | Goal, 1-0, Dennis Hodgetts
⚽ | Goal, 2-0, Arthur Loach, Assist by Albert Brown
⚽ | Goal, 3-0, Archie Hunter
⚽ | Goal, 4-0, Dennis Hodgetts
⚽ | Goal, 5-0, Richmond Davis
🕒 | HT Aston Villa 5-0 Wednesbury Old Athletic
⚽ | Goal, 6-0, Albert Brown
⚽ | Goal, 7-0, Arthur Loach
💥 | Morley swaps with Malpass in the Athletic goal
⚽ | Goal, 8-0, Albert Brown
⚽ | Goal, 9-0, Jack Burton
⚽ | Goal, 10-0, Albert Brown
⚽ | Goal, 11-0, Archie Hunter
⚽ | Goal, 12-0, Jack Burton
⚽ | Goal, 13-0, Archie Hunter
🕒 | FT Aston Villa 13-0 Wednesbury Old Athletic
On This Day
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
🟩 20 Nov 1886, Villa 6-1 Derby Midland, Wellington Road

Game #28
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
Referee: Unknown
HT Score: 🟩 3-1
FT Result: 🟩 Won
FT Score: 🟩 6-1
Last 5: 🟩 🟩 🟥 🟩 🟩
Season | 1886-87 |
Matchday | #2 |
Manager Game | #2 |
Saturday, 20 November 1886
FA Cup
Scorer(s) | Own Goal | 2' | Dennis Hodgetts | 7' | Arthur Loach | 30' | Albert Brown | 4-1 | 5-1 | Archie Hunter | 6-1 |
Assist(s) | Richmond Davis | 30' | Fred Dawson | 4-1 | Arthur Loach | 5-1 |

Starting XI
GK Jimmy Warner | 🏴 |
B Frank Coulton | 🏴 |
B Joe Simmonds | 🏴 |
HB Harry Yates | 🏴 |
HB Fred Dawson | 🏴 | 🔥 |
HB Jack Burton | 🏴 |
IR Albert Brown | 🏴 | ⚽ | ⚽ |
F Richmond Davis | 🏴 | 🔥 |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | ⚽ | 🔥 |
IL Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 | ⚽ |
CF Archie Hunter | 🏴 | ⚽ |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
GK G. Salt
B L.G. Wright
B J. Wildsmith
HB H. Ratcliff
HB J. Flowers,
HB Hickinbottom
LF J. Wood
LF L. Shannon
RF Strutt
RF C. Ward | ⚽ |
CF J. Walker
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
⚽ | 2’ Goal, 1-0, Own Goal
⚽ | 7’ Goal, 2-0, Dennis Hodgetts
⚽ | 30' Goal, 3-0, Arthur Loach, Assist by Richmond Davis
🥅 | Goal, 3-1, (Derby Midland), C. Ward
🕒 | HT Aston Villa 3-1 Derby Midland
⚽ | Goal, 4-1, Albert Brown, Assist by Fred Dawson
⚽ | Goal, 5-1, Albert Brown, Assist by Arthur Loach
⚽ | 80’ Goal, 6-1, Archie Hunter
🕒 | FT Aston Villa 6-1 Derby Midland
On This Day
Villa face Derby Midland for the first time in competitive football, Derby Midland become the 13th team that the Villa first team has played in League or Cup football.
Secretary Manager George Ramsay's Villa follow up the biggest win with another convincing victory to reach the third round of the FA Cup having scored 19 goals in two games as they banished the memories of their early exit in the previous two seasons of the FA Cup.
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | #41 |
🟨 11 Dec 1886, Villa 2-2 Wolves, Wellington Road

Game #29
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
Referee: Unknown
HT Score: 🟩 1-0
FT Result: 🟨 Drew
FT Score: 🟨 1-1
AET Result: 🟨 Drew
AET Score: 🟨 2-2
Last 5: 🟩 🟥 🟩 🟩 🟨
Season | 1886-87 |
Matchday | #3 |
Manager Game | #3 |
Saturday, 11 December 1886
FA Cup
Scorer(s) | Albert Brown | 1-0 | 91' |
Assist(s) | Arthur Loach | 1-0 |

Starting XI
GK Jimmy Warner | 🏴 |
B Frank Coulton | 🏴 |
B Joe Simmonds | 🏴 |
HB Dick Robertson | 🏴 | 🔴 |
HB Fred Dawson | 🏴 |
HB Jack Burton | 🏴 |
IR Albert Brown | 🏴 | ⚽ | ⚽ |
F Richmond Davis | 🏴 |
F Arthur Loach | 🏴 | 🔥 | 🔴 |
IL Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 |
CF Archie Hunter | 🏴 |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
GK Ike Griffiths | 🏴 |
B Charlie Mason | 🏴 |
B Dick Baugh | 🏴 |
HB Arthur Lowder | 🏴 |
HB Harry Allen | 🏴 |
HB Pearson
RW Thomas Hunter | 🏴 |
RW Thomas Knight | 🏴 |
LW B. Griffiths | ⚽ |
LW Harry Wood | 🏴 |
CF John Brodie | 🏴 | ⚽ |
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
⚽ | Goal, 1-0, Albert Brown
💥 | Goal disallowed for a prior foul
⚽ | Goal, 1-0, Albert Brown, Assist by Arthur Loach
🕒 | HT Aston Villa 1-0 Wolverhampton Wanderers
🥅 | 75’ Goal, 1-1, (Wolverhampton Wanderers), B. Griffiths
🕒 | FT Aston Villa 1-1 Wolverhampton Wanderers
⚽ | 91’ Goal, 2-1, Albert Brown
⚽ | Goal, 3-1, Arthur Loach
💥 | Goal disallowed
🥅 | 100’ Goal, 2-2, (Wolverhampton Wanderers), John Brodie
🕒 | AET Aston Villa 2-2 Wolverhampton Wanderers
On This Day
Villa face Wolverhampton Wanderers for the first time in competitive football, Wolves become the 14th team that the Villa first team has played in League or Cup football.
Secretary Manager George Ramsay's Villa face Wolverhampton Wanderers for the first time in the FA Cup and are held 1-1 at full time necessitating the playing of an additional 30 minutes that once again saw a Wolves equaliser take the tie to a replay.
Meanwhile, Dick Robertson and Arthur Loach made their final FA Cup appearances for the Villa.