F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
1882 🕒 1 | ⚽ 0 | 🔥 0 | #21 |
Previous Player | Next Player |
F Franklin Brookes | 🏴 | #20 | | D Joe Simmonds | 🏴 | #22 | |
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Thomas Albert Horton
Personal Profile

Birth Date | Birthplace | Birth Country | Citizenship | Height | Foot |
April 1859 | Dudley Port | England 🏴 | England 🏴 |
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Villa Youth Record
Youth Record

F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Previous Clubs

Previous Clubs
Tipton BCT
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Transfer In

Season | Joined Date | Aged | Fee | From | From | Signed Under |
1881-82 | 1881 | 22 | Free | Tipton BCT 🏴 | Management Committee |
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Villa Career
Villa Career

F Tommy Horton | 🏴 |
Aston Villa 1882 | Free |
FA Cup |
🕒 1 | ⚽ 0 | 🔥 0 | #21 |
Seasons Active | In Fee
Active in League
🕒 Games | Starts (Subs) | ⚽ Goals | 🔥 Assists | 🇺 Unused | Player Number |
🟩 Won | 🟨 Drew | 🟥 Lost |
Cards 🟨 Booking | 🟥 Sending Off |
Goalkeepers Only 🥅 Goals Conceded | ⛔ Clean Sheets |
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Played Under

Management Committee 1882
Games 🕒, Starts ✅, Substitute 🔁, Won 🟩, Drew 🟨, Lost 🟥, Goals ⚽, Assists 🔥
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Career Summary

🗓️ | 🕒 | ✅ | 🔁 | 🇺 | PPG | 🟩 | 🟨 | 🟥 | 🟩 % | 🟨 % | 🟥 % | ⚽ | 🔥 | Yellow | Red | GI | GPG | GPGi |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | - | 0 | 0.00 |
Seasons 🗓️, Games 🕒, Starts ✅, Substitute 🔁, Won 🟩, Drew 🟨, Lost 🟥, Unused 🇺, Goals ⚽, Assists 🔥, Goals per Game GPG, Points per Game PPG, Goal Involvements GI, Games per Goal GPG, Games per Goal Involvement GPGi
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Competition Record

🕒 League | 🕒 FA Cup | 🕒 League Cup | 🕒 Europe | 🕒 European Cup |
0 | 0 | 0 |
⚽ League | ⚽ FA Cup | ⚽ League Cup | ⚽ Europe | ⚽ European Cup |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
🔥 League | 🔥 FA Cup | 🔥 League Cup | 🔥 Europe | 🔥 European Cup |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
League Gi | FA Cup Gi | League Cup Gi | Europe Gi | European Cup Gi |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
League GPG | FA Cup GPG | League Cup GPG | Europe GPG | European Cup GPG |
0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
League GPGi | FA Cup GPGi | League Cup GPGi | Europe GPGi | European Cup GPGi |
0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Games 🕒, Goals ⚽, Assists 🔥, Goals per Game GPG, Goal Involvements GI, Games per Goal GPG, Games per Goal Involvement GPGi
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Season by Season Record

🗓️ | 🎂 | 〽️ | 🏆 | 🕒 | ✅ | 🔁 | 🇺 | PPG | 🟩 | 🟩 % | 🟨 | 🟨 % | 🟥 | 🟥 % | ⚽ | 🔥 | Yellow | Red | GI | GPG | GPGi |
1881-82 | 22 | FAC | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | - | - | 0 | 0.00 |
Seasons 🗓️, Age 🎂, League 〽️, Position 🏆, Games 🕒, Starts ✅, Substitute 🔁, Won 🟩, Drew 🟨, Lost 🟥, Unused 🇺, Goals Scored ⚽, Goals Conceded 🥅, Goals per Game GPG, Conceded per Game CPG, Goal Difference GD, Clean Sheets ⛔, Points per Game PPG, Goal Involvements GI, Games per Goal GPG, Games per Goal Involvement GPGi
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Goalkeeping Record

GK # | 🕒 | 🥅 | CPG | ⛔ | ⛔ % |
Season | 🕒 | 🥅 | CPG | ⛔ | ⛔ % |
Seasons 🗓️, Games 🕒, Goals Conceded 🥅, Goals per Game GPG, Conceded per Game CPG, Clean Sheets ⛔
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Villa Honours

Played for the Villa
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Debuts & Dates

Season | First Squad | Manager |
1881-82 | 21 January 1882 | Management Committee |
Season | Debut | Manager | Aged |
1881-82 | 21 January 1882 | Management Committee | 22 |
Game # | First Goal | Scorer(s) |
Game # | First Assist |
Game # | First Clean Sheet |
Season | Final Game | Aged | Manager |
1881-82 | 21 January 1882 | 22 | Management Committee |
Season | Final Squad | Manager |
1881-82 | 21 January 1882 | Management Committee |
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Loans Out

F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Transfer Out

Season | Date | Aged | Fee | To | To | Left Under |
1881-82 | 1882 | 22 | Free | Walsall Town Swifts 🏴 | Management Committee |
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Subsequent Clubs

Subsequent Clubs
Walsall Town Swifts
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |

F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |

Player #21 for Aston Villa, Thomas Albert Horton, known as Tommy Horton played as a forward for the club.
Tommy represented Villa on a single occasion during the 1881-82 FA Cup campaign.
Tommy was born in Dudley Port, eight miles from Villa’s current ground, on 2nd April 1859 and made his first and last appearance as a 22 year old on 21st January 1882.
Villa had signed Tommy from Tipton BCT but he soon moved on to Walsall Town Swifts without adding to his appearances.
Tommy played in the era when team selection was made by a Management Committee rather than the latter day more typical Manager role.
Tommy passed away in May 1921 in West Bromwich aged 62.
1 May 1921, Aged 62
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |

Game | Matchday Summary | Match Squad |
Game #11 | 🟥 21 Jan 1882, Villa 2-4 Wednesbury Old Athletic, The Oval | GK Billy Clarke | 🏴 |
B Ted Lee | 🏴 |
B Harry Simmonds | 🏴 |
HB Fred Dawson | 🏴 |
HB Tommy Pank | 🏴 |
HB Sammy Law | 🏴 |
HB Arthur Brown | 🏴 |
IL Howard Vaughton | 🏴 |
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 |
CF Olly Whateley | 🏴 |
CF Archie Hunter | 🏴 | |
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |

Game | Matchday Summary | Line Up |
Game #11 | 🟥 21 Jan 1882, Villa 2-4 Wednesbury Old Athletic, The Oval | GK Billy Clarke | 🏴 |
B Ted Lee | 🏴 |
B Harry Simmonds | 🏴 | 🔴 |
HB Fred Dawson | 🏴 |
HB Tommy Pank | 🏴 | 🔥 | 🔴 |
HB Sammy Law | 🏴 | 🔴 |
HB Arthur Brown | 🏴 |
IL Howard Vaughton | 🏴 | ⚽ |
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | 🟢 | 🔴 |
CF Olly Whateley | 🏴 |
CF Archie Hunter | 🏴 | ⚽ | |
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Substitute Appearances

Game | Matchday Summary | Substitutes |
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Unused Substitute Appearances

Game | Matchday Summary | Unused Substitutes |
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Goals Scored

Game | Matchday Summary | Scorer(s) |
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Assists Made

Game | Matchday Summary | Assist(s) |
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
Cards Received

Game | Matchday Summary | Villa Cards |
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
International Record

International Career | Caps with Villa |
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |

F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | #21 |
🟥 21 Jan 1882, Villa 2-4 Wednesbury Old Athletic, The Oval

Game #11
Manager: Management Committee 1879-86
Referee: John Harvey | 🏴 | Sheffield
Kick off: 3.15pm
HT Score: 🟥 2-3
FT Result: 🟥 Lost
FT Score: 🟥 2-4
Last 5: 🟩 🟨 🟨 🟩 🟥
Season | 1881-82 |
Matchday | #5 |
Manager Game | #11 |
Saturday, 21 January 1882
FA Cup
Scorer(s) | Howard Vaughton | 4' | Archie Hunter | 2-1 |
Assist(s) | Tommy Pank | 4' |

Starting XI
GK Billy Clarke | 🏴 |
B Ted Lee | 🏴 |
B Harry Simmonds | 🏴 | 🔴 |
HB Fred Dawson | 🏴 |
HB Tommy Pank | 🏴 | 🔥 | 🔴 |
HB Sammy Law | 🏴 | 🔴 |
HB Arthur Brown | 🏴 |
IL Howard Vaughton | 🏴 | ⚽ |
F Tommy Horton | 🏴 | 🟢 | 🔴 |
CF Olly Whateley | 🏴 |
CF Archie Hunter | 🏴 | ⚽ |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period
Starting XI
GK C. Kent
3QB Stokes
B W.H. Moon
HB J. Holden
HB J. Cllffe
HB T. Hodgkiss
F G. Holden | ⚽ |
F R. Morley
F A. Woodcock | ⚽ | ⚽ |
F A. Groucutt
F J. Roberts | ⚽ |
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
🟢 | 1’ Debut, Tommy Horton
⚽ | 4’ Goal, 1-0, Howard Vaughton, Assist by Tommy Pank
🥅 | 10' Goal, 1-1, (Wednesbury Old Athletic), G. Holden
⚽ | Goal, 2-1, Archie Hunter
🥅 | Goal, 2-2, (Wednesbury Old Athletic), Woodcock
🥅 | Goal, 2-3, (Wednesbury Old Athletic), Woodcock
🕒 | HT Wednesbury Old Athletic 3-2 Aston Villa
🥅 | Goal, 2-4, (Wednesbury Old Athletic), Roberts
🕒 | FT Wednesbury Old Athletic 4-2 Aston Villa
On This Day
Archie Hunter scores Villa's second to give them the lead in the tie but it's not enough as Old Athletic win the day.
Villa face Wednesbury Old Athletic for the first time in competitive football, Athletic become the 5th team that the Villa first team has played in League or Cup football.
Forward Tommy Horton made his sole FA Cup appearance for Villa as they are beaten at Old Athletic whilst Harry Simmonds, Fred Dawson and Tommy Pank and midfielder Sammy Law made their final FA Cup appearances for Villa.