FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
1919 🕒 1 | ⚽ 0 | 🔥 - | #268 |
Full Back
Previous Player | Next Player |
M George Hadley | 🏴 | #267 | | F Dick Sloley | 🏴 | #269 | |
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Walter Henry Maiden
Personal Profile

Birth Date | Birthplace | Birth Country | Citizenship | Height | Foot |
1 August 1896 | Kidderminster, Worcestershire | England 🏴 | England 🏴 |
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Villa Youth Record
Youth Record

FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Previous Clubs

Previous Clubs
Worcester Road School
Sutton Swifts
Kidderminster Harriers
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Transfer In

Season | Joined Date | Aged | Fee | From | From | Signed Under |
1914-15 | March 1915 | 18 | Free | Kidderminster Harriers 🏴 | George Ramsay |
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Villa Career
Villa Career

FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 |
Aston Villa 1919 |
Football League First Division |
🕒 1 | ⚽ 0 | 🔥 - | #268 |
Seasons Active | In Fee
Active in League
🕒 Games | Starts (Subs) | ⚽ Goals | 🔥 Assists | 🇺 Unused | Player Number |
🟩 Won | 🟨 Drew | 🟥 Lost |
Cards 🟨 Booking | 🟥 Sending Off |
Goalkeepers Only 🥅 Goals Conceded | ⛔ Clean Sheets |
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Played Under

George Ramsay 🏴
Games 🕒, Starts ✅, Substitute 🔁, Won 🟩, Drew 🟨, Lost 🟥, Goals ⚽, Assists 🔥
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Career Summary

🗓️ | 🕒 | ✅ | 🔁 | 🇺 | PPG | 🟩 | 🟨 | 🟥 | 🟩 % | 🟨 % | 🟥 % | ⚽ | 🔥 | Yellow | Red | GI | GPG | GPGi |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | - | 0 |
Seasons 🗓️, Games 🕒, Starts ✅, Substitute 🔁, Won 🟩, Drew 🟨, Lost 🟥, Unused 🇺, Goals ⚽, Assists 🔥, Goals per Game GPG, Points per Game PPG, Goal Involvements GI, Games per Goal GPG, Games per Goal Involvement GPGi
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Competition Record

🕒 League | 🕒 FA Cup | 🕒 League Cup | 🕒 Europe | 🕒 European Cup |
0 | 0 | 0 |
⚽ League | ⚽ FA Cup | ⚽ League Cup | ⚽ Europe | ⚽ European Cup |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
🔥 League | 🔥 FA Cup | 🔥 League Cup | 🔥 Europe | 🔥 European Cup |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
League Gi | FA Cup Gi | League Cup Gi | Europe Gi | European Cup Gi |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
League GPG | FA Cup GPG | League Cup GPG | Europe GPG | European Cup GPG |
0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
League GPGi | FA Cup GPGi | League Cup GPGi | Europe GPGi | European Cup GPGi |
0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Games 🕒, Goals ⚽, Assists 🔥, Goals per Game GPG, Goal Involvements GI, Games per Goal GPG, Games per Goal Involvement GPGi
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Season by Season Record

🗓️ | 🎂 | 〽️ | 🏆 | 🕒 | ✅ | 🔁 | 🇺 | PPG | 🟩 | 🟩 % | 🟨 | 🟨 % | 🟥 | 🟥 % | ⚽ | 🔥 | Yellow | Red | GI | GPG | GPGi |
1919-20 | 23 | D1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | - | - | - | 0 |
Seasons 🗓️, Age 🎂, League 〽️, Position 🏆, Games 🕒, Starts ✅, Substitute 🔁, Won 🟩, Drew 🟨, Lost 🟥, Unused 🇺, Goals Scored ⚽, Goals Conceded 🥅, Goals per Game GPG, Conceded per Game CPG, Goal Difference GD, Clean Sheets ⛔, Points per Game PPG, Goal Involvements GI, Games per Goal GPG, Games per Goal Involvement GPGi
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Goalkeeping Record

GK # | 🕒 | 🥅 | CPG | ⛔ | ⛔ % |
Season | 🕒 | 🥅 | CPG | ⛔ | ⛔ % |
Seasons 🗓️, Games 🕒, Goals Conceded 🥅, Goals per Game GPG, Conceded per Game CPG, Clean Sheets ⛔
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Villa Honours

Played for the Villa
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Debuts & Dates

Season | First Squad | Manager |
1919-20 | 27 September 1919 | George Ramsay 🏴 |
Season | Debut | Manager | Aged |
1919-20 | 27 September 1919 | George Ramsay 🏴 | 23 |
Game # | First Goal | Scorer(s) |
Game # | First Assist |
Game # | First Clean Sheet |
Season | Final Game | Aged | Manager |
1919-20 | 27 September 1919 | 23 | George Ramsay 🏴 |
Season | Final Squad | Manager |
1919-20 | 27 September 1919 | George Ramsay 🏴 |
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Loans Out

FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Transfer Out

Season | Date | Aged | Fee | To | To | Left Under |
1920-21 | September 1920 | 24 | Free | Stourbridge FC 🏴 | George Ramsay 🏴 |
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Subsequent Clubs

Subsequent Clubs
Stourbridge FC
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |

FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |

Player #268 for Aston Villa, Walter Maiden, played as a full back for the club.
Walter played for Villa in 1919-20 making a single appearance.
Walter was born in Kidderminster, just 20 miles from Villa Park, in August 1896 and he made his sole appearance for Villa on the 27th September 1919 aged 23.
Villa had signed Walter from home town club Kidderminster Harriers in March 1915 ahead of WWI and he was to move on to Stourbridge in September 1920.
Walter played under the George Ramsay led Management Committee.
Walter passed away in 1955 aged just 59.
1955, Aged 59
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |

Game | Matchday Summary | Match Squad |
Game #1031 | 🟥 27 Sep 1919, Villa 1-6 BPA, Park Avenue | GK Sam Hardy |
CB Jim Harrop |
LB Jimmy Lawrence |
FB Walter Maiden |
M Joe Worrell |
M George Hadley |
W Arthur Dorrell |
W Charlie Wallace |
F Howard Humphries |
F Clem Stephenson |
F Harry Nash | |
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |

Game | Matchday Summary | Line Up |
Game #1031 | 🟥 27 Sep 1919, Villa 1-6 BPA, Park Avenue | GK Sam Hardy |
CB Jim Harrop |
LB Jimmy Lawrence |
FB Walter Maiden |
M Joe Worrell |
M George Hadley |
W Arthur Dorrell |
W Charlie Wallace |
F Howard Humphries |
F Clem Stephenson |
F Harry Nash | |
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Substitute Appearances

Game | Matchday Summary | Substitutes |
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Unused Substitute Appearances

Game | Matchday Summary | Unused Substitutes |
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Goals Scored

Game | Matchday Summary | Scorer(s) |
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Assists Made

Game | Matchday Summary | Assist(s) |
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
Cards Received

Game | Matchday Summary | Villa Cards |
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |

International Record

International Career | Caps with Villa |
FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |

FB Walter Maiden | 🏴 | #268 |
🟥 27 Sep 1919, Villa 1-6 BPA, Park Avenue

Game #1031
Manager | George Ramsay led Management Committee |
FT Score | 1-6 |
FT Result | Lost |
Last 5 Games | LLLLL |
Season | 1919-20 |
Matchday | #7 |
League Match | #7 |
Manager Game | #1005 |
Saturday, 27 September 1919
Division One
Scorer(s) | Clem Stephenson |
Assist(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Sam Hardy |
CB Jim Harrop |
LB Jimmy Lawrence |
FB Walter Maiden |
M Joe Worrell |
M George Hadley |
W Arthur Dorrell |
W Charlie Wallace |
F Howard Humphries |
F Clem Stephenson |
F Harry Nash |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
Unused Substitutes
Match Timeline