M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
1893-94 🕒 26 | ⚽ 3 | 🔥 - | #99 |
Previous Player | Next Player |
M James Gillan | 🏴 | #98 | | W Steve Smith | 🏴 | #100 | |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Patrick William Groves
Personal Profile

Birth Date | Birthplace | Birth Country | Citizenship | Height | Foot |
9 November 1869 | Leith 🏴 | Scotland 🏴 | Scotland 🏴 |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Villa Youth Record

M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Previous Clubs

Edinburgh Thistle
Leith Harp
1885-88 Hibernian
1888-90 Glasgow Celtic
Glasgow Celtic
1890-93 West Bromwich Albion
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Transfer In

Season | Joined Date | Aged | Fee | From | From | Signed Under |
1893-94 (DEBUT) | 1893 | 23 | £100 | West Bromwich Albion 🏴 | George Ramsay |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Villa Career
M Willie Groves | 🏴 |
Aston Villa 1893-94 |
Football League First Division |
🕒 26 | ⚽ 3 | 🔥 - | #99 |

Seasons Active | In Fee
Active in League
🕒 Games | Starts (Subs) | ⚽ Goals | 🔥 Assists | 🇺 Unused | Player Number |
🟩 Won | 🟨 Drew | 🟥 Lost |
Cards 🟨 Booking | 🟥 Sending Off |
Goalkeepers Only 🥅 Goals Conceded | ⛔ Clean Sheets |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Played Under

George Ramsay 🏴
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Career Summary

🗓️ | 🕒 | ✅ | 🔁 | 🇺 | PPG | 🟩 | 🟨 | 🟥 | 🟩 % | 🟨 % | 🟥 % | ⚽ | 🔥 | Yellow | Red | GI | GPG | GPGi |
1 | 26 | 26 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | - | 3 |
Seasons 🗓️, Games 🕒, Starts ✅, Substitute 🔁, Won 🟩, Drew 🟨, Lost 🟥, Unused 🇺, Goals Scored ⚽, Goals Conceded 🥅, Goals per Game GPG, Conceded per Game CPG, Goal Difference GD, Clean Sheets ⛔, Points per Game PPG, Goal Involvements GI, Games per Goal GPG, Games per Goal Involvement GPGi
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Competition Record

🕒 League | 🕒 FA Cup | 🕒 League Cup | 🕒 Europe | 🕒 European Cup |
0 | 0 | 0 |
⚽ League | ⚽ FA Cup | ⚽ League Cup | ⚽ Europe | ⚽ European Cup |
0 | 0 | 0 |
🔥 League | 🔥 FA Cup | 🔥 League Cup | 🔥 Europe | 🔥 European Cup |
0 | 0 | 0 |
League Gi | FA Cup Gi | League Cup Gi | Europe Gi | European Cup Gi |
0 | 0 | 0 |
League GPG | FA Cup GPG | League Cup GPG | Europe GPG | European Cup GPG |
0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
League GPGi | FA Cup GPGi | League Cup GPGi | Europe GPGi | European Cup GPGi |
0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Seasons 🗓️, Games 🕒, Starts ✅, Substitute 🔁, Won 🟩, Drew 🟨, Lost 🟥, Unused 🇺, Goals Scored ⚽, Goals Conceded 🥅, Goals per Game GPG, Conceded per Game CPG, Goal Difference GD, Clean Sheets ⛔, Points per Game PPG, Goal Involvements GI, Games per Goal GPG, Games per Goal Involvement GPGi
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Season by Season Record

🗓️ | 🎂 | 〽️ | 🏆 | 🕒 | ✅ | 🔁 | 🇺 | PPG | 🟩 | 🟩 % | 🟨 | 🟨 % | 🟥 | 🟥 % | ⚽ | 🔥 | Yellow | Red | GI | GPG | GPGi |
1893-94 | 23 | D1 | 26 | 26 | 0 | 0 | 3 | - | - | - | 3 |
Seasons 🗓️, Age 🎂, League 〽️, Position 🏆, Games 🕒, Starts ✅, Substitute 🔁, Won 🟩, Drew 🟨, Lost 🟥, Unused 🇺, Goals Scored ⚽, Goals Conceded 🥅, Goals per Game GPG, Conceded per Game CPG, Goal Difference GD, Clean Sheets ⛔, Points per Game PPG, Goal Involvements GI, Games per Goal GPG, Games per Goal Involvement GPGi
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Goalkeeping Record

GK # | 🕒 | 🥅 | CPG | ⛔ | ⛔ % |
0 | 0% |
Season | 🕒 | 🥅 | CPG | ⛔ | ⛔ % |
Seasons 🗓️, Games 🕒, Goals Conceded 🥅, Goals per Game GPG, Conceded per Game CPG, Clean Sheets ⛔
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |

1893-94 League Champions |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Debuts & Dates

Season | First Squad | Manager |
1893-94 | 30 September 1893 | George Ramsay 🏴 |
Season | Debut | Aged | Manager |
1893-94 | 30 September 1893 | 23 | George Ramsay 🏴 |
Game # | First Goal | Scorer(s) |
Game # | First Assist |
Game # | First Clean Sheet |
Season | Final Game | Aged | Manager |
1893-94 | 14 April 1894 | 24 | George Ramsay 🏴 |
Season | Final Squad | Manager |
1893-94 | 14 April 1894 | George Ramsay 🏴 |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Loans Out

M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Transfer Out

Season | Date | Aged | Fee | To | To | Left Under |
1895-96 | 1895 | 24 | Free | Hibernian 🏴 | George Ramsay 🏴 |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Subsequent Clubs

1895-96 Hibernian
1896 Glasgow Celtic
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |

M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |

Player #99 for Aston Villa, Patrick William Groves, known as Willie Groves played as a midfielder for the club in a position then known as a wing half.
Willie represented Villa 26 times in the 1893-94 season scoring 3 goals.
Willie was born in Leith, Scotland on 9th November 1869 and made his debut as a 23 year old on 30th September 1893.
Villa had signed Willie from West Bromwich Albion for £100 and he went on to help Villa secure the League title in 1893-94.
When Willie signed for Villa in 1893 he became the first player to be transferred for over £100 however that fee was not one agreed between the clubs involved. Rather the fee came about retrospectively with the FA instructing Villa to make the the payment to West Brom as they suspected Villa of tapping up Groves over the transfer.
Contract issues were to feature again with Willie leaving the club in November 1894 as further money issues arose.
Indeed money issues had followed Willie around since his debut with Hibs when he was accused of illegally taking payment as an amateur player.
Willie’ final game for Villa came on 14th April 1894 after which Groves retired from football temporarily before re-joining Hibs in 1895.
Willie had played under the George Ramsay led Management Committee.
Willie passed away from a sudden illness in Edinburgh on 13th February 1908 aged just 38.
13 February 1908, Aged 38
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |

Game | Matchday Summary | Match Squad |
Game #181 | 🟨 30 Sep 1893, Villa 1-1 Derby, Wellington Road | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Albert Woolley |
F William Devey |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Bob Chatt | |
Game #182 | 🟥 2 Oct 1893, Villa 0-3 Sheffield United, Bramall Lane | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Albert Woolley |
F William Devey |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Bob Chatt | |
Game #183 | 🟩 7 Oct 1893, Villa 2-1 Forest, Town Ground | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
M James Gillan |
W Albert Woolley |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare | |
Game #184 | 🟨 14 Oct 1893, Villa 1-1 Darwen, Thorneyholme Road | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M James Gillan |
M Willie Groves |
W Albert Woolley |
W Charlie Athersmith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts | |
Game #186 | 🟩 21 Oct 1893, Villa 6-3 Albion, Stoney Lane | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Albert Woolley |
W Charlie Athersmith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare | |
Game #187 | 🟩 28 Oct 1893, Villa 4-0 Burnley, Wellington Road | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Steve Smith |
W Charlie Athersmith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare | |
Game #188 | 🟩 30 Oct 1893, Villa 4-0 Sheffield United, Wellington Road | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Steve Smith |
W Charlie Athersmith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare | |
Game #189 | 🟥 4 Nov 1893, Villa 0-2 Blackburn, Ewood | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Steve Smith |
W Charlie Athersmith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare | |
Game #190 | 🟩 11 Nov 1893, Villa 2-1 Sunderland, Wellington Road | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Willie Groves |
M Jack Reynolds |
W Steve Smith |
W Bill Randle |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare | |
Game #191 | 🟩 18 Nov 1893, Villa 1-0 Bolton, Pike's Lane | GK Len Benwell |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Fred Burton |
M Willie Groves |
W Steve Smith |
W Albert A Brown | 🏴 |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare | |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |

Game | Matchday Summary | Line Up |
Game #181 | 🟨 30 Sep 1893, Villa 1-1 Derby, Wellington Road | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Albert Woolley |
F William Devey |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Bob Chatt | |
Game #182 | 🟥 2 Oct 1893, Villa 0-3 Sheffield United, Bramall Lane | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Albert Woolley |
F William Devey |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Bob Chatt | |
Game #183 | 🟩 7 Oct 1893, Villa 2-1 Forest, Town Ground | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
M James Gillan |
W Albert Woolley |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare | |
Game #184 | 🟨 14 Oct 1893, Villa 1-1 Darwen, Thorneyholme Road | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M James Gillan |
M Willie Groves |
W Albert Woolley |
W Charlie Athersmith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts | |
Game #186 | 🟩 21 Oct 1893, Villa 6-3 Albion, Stoney Lane | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Albert Woolley |
W Charlie Athersmith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare | |
Game #187 | 🟩 28 Oct 1893, Villa 4-0 Burnley, Wellington Road | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Steve Smith |
W Charlie Athersmith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare | |
Game #188 | 🟩 30 Oct 1893, Villa 4-0 Sheffield United, Wellington Road | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Steve Smith |
W Charlie Athersmith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare | |
Game #189 | 🟥 4 Nov 1893, Villa 0-2 Blackburn, Ewood | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Steve Smith |
W Charlie Athersmith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare | |
Game #190 | 🟩 11 Nov 1893, Villa 2-1 Sunderland, Wellington Road | GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Willie Groves |
M Jack Reynolds |
W Steve Smith |
W Bill Randle |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare | |
Game #191 | 🟩 18 Nov 1893, Villa 1-0 Bolton, Pike's Lane | GK Len Benwell |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Fred Burton |
M Willie Groves |
W Steve Smith |
F Albert Brown |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare | |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Substitute Appearances

Game | Matchday Summary | Substitutes |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Unused Substitute Appearances

Game | Matchday Summary | Unused Substitutes |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Goals Scored

Game | Matchday Summary | Scorer(s) |
Game #183 | 🟩 7 Oct 1893, Villa 2-1 Forest, Town Ground | Scorer(s) | Jack Devey | Willie Groves | |
Game #208 | 🟩 7 Apr 1894, Villa 6-3 Burnley, Turf Moor | Scorer(s) | Willie Groves | Jack Devey | Jack Devey | Dennis Hodgetts | Willie Groves | Jack Devey | |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Assists Made

Game | Matchday Summary | Assist(s) |
Game #197 | 🟩 26 Dec 1893, Villa 9-0 Darwen, Wellington Road | Assist(s) | Albert Brown | 1-0 | Willie Groves | 3-0 | Charlie Athersmith | 4-0 | 9-0 | Dennis Hodgetts | 5-0 | Jack Reynolds | 8-0 | |
Game #200 | 🟩 27 Jan 1894, Villa 4-2 Wolves, Wellington Road | Assist(s) | Willie Groves | 17' | |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
Cards Received

Game | Matchday Summary | Villa Cards |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
International Record

International Career | Caps with Villa |
1888-90 🕒 3 | ⚽ 4 | | 1893-95 🕒 0 | 0 | ⚽ 0 | 🔥 0 | 🇺- | |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |

M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟨 30 Sep 1893, Villa 1-1 Derby, Wellington Road

Game #181
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
FT Score | 1-1 |
FT Result | Drew |
Last 5 Games | DWLWD |
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #6 |
League Match | #6 |
Manager Game | #155 |
Saturday, 30 September 1893
Division One
Scorer(s) | Unknown |
Assists(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Albert Woolley |
F William Devey |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Bob Chatt |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
[Exact timings not recorded]
1’ Debut, Willie Groves
Goal, 1-0, Unknown
HT Aston Villa 1-0 Derby County
Goal, 1-1, (Derby County)
FT Aston Villa 1-1 Derby County
On This Day
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟥 2 Oct 1893, Villa 0-3 Sheffield United, Bramall Lane

Game #182
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
FT Score | 0-3 |
FT Result | Lost |
Last 5 Games | WLWDL |
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #7 |
League Match | #7 |
Manager Game | #156 |
Monday, 2 October 1893
Division One
Scorer(s) | None |
Assists(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Albert Woolley |
F William Devey |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Bob Chatt |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
[Exact timings not recorded]
Goal, 0-1, (Sheffield United)
HT Sheffield United 1-0 Aston Villa
57’ Goal, 0-2, (Sheffield United)
Goal, 0-3, (Sheffield United)
FT Sheffield United 3-0 Aston Villa
On This Day
Villa face Sheffield United for the first time in competitive football, Sheffield United become the 35th team that the Villa first team has played in League or Cup football and the first new opponent Villa have faced since playing city rival Wednesday 16 games previously.
Villa suffer their second defeat in 7 games as they are completely outplayed by Sheffield United at Bramall Lane.
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟩 7 Oct 1893, Villa 2-1 Forest, Town Ground

Game #183
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
FT Score | 2-1 |
FT Result | Won |
Last 5 Games | LWDLW |
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #8 |
League Match | #8 |
Manager Game | #157 |
Saturday, 7 October 1893
Division One
Scorer(s) | Jack Devey | Willie Groves |
Assists(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
M James Gillan |
W Albert Woolley |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period
Match Timeline
HT Nottingham Forest 0-0 Aston Villa
51’ Goal, 1-0, Jack Devey
75’ Goal, 2-0, Willie Groves
87’ Goal, 2-1, (Nottingham Forest)
FT Nottingham Forest 1-2 Aston Villa
On This Day
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟨 14 Oct 1893, Villa 1-1 Darwen, Thorneyholme Road

Game #184
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
FT Score | 1-1 |
FT Result | Drew |
Last 5 Games | WDLWD |
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #9 |
League Match | #9 |
Manager Game | #158 |
Saturday, 14 October 1893
Division One
Scorer(s) | Jack Devey |
Assists(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M James Gillan |
M Willie Groves |
W Albert Woolley |
W Charlie Athersmith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period
Match Timeline
[Exact timings not recorded]
Goal, 1-0, Jack Devey
HT Darwen 0-1 Aston Villa
87’ Goal, 1-1, (Darwen)
FT Darwen 1-1 Aston Villa
On This Day
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟩 21 Oct 1893, Villa 6-3 Albion, Stoney Lane

Game #186
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
FT Score | 6-3 |
FT Result | Won |
Last 5 Games | LWDDW |
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #11 |
League Match | #11 |
Manager Game | #160 |
Saturday, 21 October 1893
Division One
Scorer(s) | Jack Devey | Charlie Athersmith | Albert Woolley | Jimmy Cowan | Charlie Hare | Jack Devey |
Assists(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Albert Woolley |
W Charlie Athersmith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
[Exact timings not recorded]
11’ Goal, 1-0, Jack Devey
12’ Goal, 2-0, Charlie Athersmith
22’ Goal, 3-0, Albert Woolley
Goal, 4-0, Jimmy Cowan
Goal, 4-1, (West Bromwich Albion)
Goal, 5-1, Charlie Hare
HT West Bromwich Albion 1-5 Aston Villa
46’ Goal, 5-2, (West Bromwich Albion)
Goal, 5-3, (West Bromwich Albion)
Goal, 6-3, Jack Devey
FT West Bromwich Albion 3-6 Aston Villa
On This Day
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟩 28 Oct 1893, Villa 4-0 Burnley, Wellington Road

Game #187
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
FT Score | 4-0 |
FT Result | Won |
Last 5 Games | WDDWW |
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #12 |
League Match | #12 |
Manager Game | #161 |
Saturday, 28 October 1893
Division One
Scorer(s) | Charlie Hare | Jack Devey | Charlie Athersmith | Jack Devey |
Assists(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Steve Smith |
W Charlie Athersmith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
[Exact timings not recorded]
1’ Debut, Steve Smith
Goal, 1-0, Charlie Hare
Goal, 2-0, Jack Devey
HT Aston Villa 2-0 Burnley
Goal, 3-0, Charlie Athersmith, Assist by Steve Smith
Goal, 4-0, Jack Devey, Assist by Steve Smith
FT Aston Villa 4-0 Burnley
On This Day
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟩 30 Oct 1893, Villa 4-0 Sheffield United, Wellington Road

Game #188
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
FT Score | 4-0 |
FT Result | Won |
Last 5 Games | DDWWW |
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #13 |
League Match | #13 |
Manager Game | #162 |
Monday, 30 October 1893
Division One
Scorer(s) | Charlie Hare | Jack Reynolds | Charlie Hare | Charlie Hare |
Assists(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Steve Smith |
W Charlie Athersmith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
[Exact timings not recorded]
Goal, 1-0, Charlie Hare
Goal, 2-0, Jack Reynolds
Goal, 3-0, Charlie Hare
HT Aston Villa 3-0 Sheffield United
Goal, 4-0, Charlie Hare
FT Aston Villa 4-0 Sheffield United
On This Day
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟥 4 Nov 1893, Villa 0-2 Blackburn, Ewood

Game #189
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
FT Score | 0-2 |
FT Result | Lost |
Last 5 Games | DWWWL |
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #14 |
League Match | #14 |
Manager Game | #163 |
Saturday, 4 November 1893
Division One
Scorer(s) | None |
Assists(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Steve Smith |
W Charlie Athersmith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
[Exact timings not recorded]
Goal, 0-1, (Blackburn Rovers)
HT Blackburn Rovers 1-0 Aston Villa
Goal, 0-2, (Blackburn Rovers)
FT Blackburn Rovers 2-0 Aston Villa
On This Day
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟩 11 Nov 1893, Villa 2-1 Sunderland, Wellington Road

Game #190
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
FT Score | 2-1 |
FT Result | Won |
Last 5 Games | WWWLW |
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #15 |
League Match | #15 |
Manager Game | #164 |
Saturday, 11 November 1893
Division One
Scorer(s) | Jack Devey | Jack Reynolds (pen) |
Assists(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Willie Groves |
M Jack Reynolds |
W Steve Smith |
W Bill Randle |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
[Exact timings not recorded]
1’ Debut, Bill Randle
HT Aston Villa 0-0 Sunderland
Goal, 1-0, Jack Devey, Assist by Willie Groves
Goal, 1-1, (Sunderland)
Goal, 2-1, Jack Reynolds (pen)
FT Aston Villa 2-1 Sunderland
On This Day
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟩 18 Nov 1893, Villa 1-0 Bolton, Pike's Lane

Game #191
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
FT Score | 1-0 |
FT Result | Won |
Last 5 Games | WWLWW |
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #16 |
League Match | #16 |
Manager Game | #165 |
Saturday, 18 November 1893
Division One
Scorer(s) | Jack Devey |
Assists(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Len Benwell |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Fred Burton |
M Willie Groves |
W Steve Smith |
F Albert Brown |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
[Exact timings not recorded]
1’ Debut, Len Benwell
Goal, 1-0, Jack Devey
HT Bolton Wanderers 0-1 Aston Villa
FT Bolton Wanderers 0-1 Aston Villa
On This Day
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟩 25 Nov 1893, Villa 2-0 Preston, Wellington Road

Game #192
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
FT Score | 2-0 |
FT Result | Won |
Last 5 Games | WLWWW |
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #17 |
League Match | #17 |
Manager Game | #166 |
Saturday, 25 November 1893
Division One
Scorer(s) | Jack Devey | Charlie Hare |
Assists(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jimmy Welford |
M Fred Burton |
M Willie Groves |
W Charlie Athersmith |
W Steve Smith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Charlie Hare |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
[Exact timings not recorded]
Goal, 1-0, Jack Devey, Assist by Charlie Hare
HT Aston Villa 1-0 Preston North End
Goal, 2-0, Charlie Hare
FT Aston Villa 1-0 Preston North End
On This Day
Villa record their third successive victory and now have six wins in 7 matches and consolidate first place in Division One.
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟩 2 Dec 1893, Villa 3-0 Derby, Racehorse Ground

Game #193
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
HT Score: 🟨 0-0
FT Result: 🟩 Won
FT Score: 🟩 3-0
Last 5: 🟥 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #18 |
League Match | #18 |
Manager Game | #167 |
Saturday, 2 December 1893
Division One
Scorer(s) | Dennis Hodgetts | 1-0 | 90' | Charlie Athersmith | 2-0 |
Assists(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning | 🏴 |
D John Baird | 🏴 |
CB Jimmy Cowan | 🏴 |
FB Jimmy Welford | 🏴 |
M Jack Reynolds | 🏴 |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 |
W Charlie Athersmith | 🏴 | ⚽ |
W Steve Smith | 🏴 |
F Jack Devey | 🏴 |
F Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 | ⚽ | ⚽ |
F Charlie Hare | 🏴 |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
GK Dockery
B Methven
B Staley
HB Hickinbotton
HB A Goodall
HB W H Roulstone
RW Allan
RW Bloomer
LW McMillan
LW Towie
CF J Goodall
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
🕒 | HT Derby County 0-0 Aston Villa
⚽ | Goal, 1-0, Dennis Hodgetts
⚽ | Goal, 2-0, Charlie Athersmith
⚽ | 90' Goal, 3-0, Dennis Hodgetts
🕒 | FT Derby County 0-3 Aston Villa
On This Day
Dennis Hodgetts hit a brace as Villa record their fourth successive victory and their third successive clean sheet.
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟩 9 Dec 1893, Villa 3-0 Wednesday, Wellington Road

Game #194
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
Referee: Fitzroy Morris | 🏴 |
HT Score:
FT Result: 🟩 Won
FT Score: 🟩 3-0
Last 5: 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #19 |
League Match | #19 |
Manager Game | #168 |
Saturday, 9 December 1893
Division One
Scorer(s) | Own Goal | 50' | Dennis Hodgetts | 52' | Charlie Athersmith | 3-0 |
Assists(s) | Jack Reynolds | 52' |

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning | 🏴 |
D John Baird | 🏴 |
CB Jimmy Cowan | 🏴 |
FB Jimmy Welford | 🏴 |
M Jack Reynolds | 🏴 | 🔥 |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 |
W Charlie Athersmith | 🏴 |
W Steve Smith | 🏴 |
F Jack Devey | 🏴 | ⚽ |
F Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 | ⚽ |
F Albert Brown | 🏴 |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
GK Allan
B Earp
B J. Brown
HB R. N. Brown
HB Betts
HB Jameson
F Brandon
F Davis
F Smith
F Brady
F Spikesley
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
🕒 | HT Aston Villa 0-0 Sheffield Wednesday
⚽ | 50’ Goal, 1-0, Own Goal, J. Brown
⚽ | 52’ Goal, 2-0, Dennis Hodgetts, Assist by Jack Reynolds
⚽ | Goal, 3-0, Charlie Athersmith
🕒 | FT Aston Villa 3-0 Sheffield Wednesday
On This Day
Villa record their fifth successive victory to make it 10 wins in 19 games and sit top of the table seven points clear of second placed Sheffield United.
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟩 16 Dec 1893, Villa 3-1 United, Bank Street

Game #195
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
Referee: Ashmole | 🏴 |
HT Score: 🟨 0-0
FT Result: 🟩 Won
FT Score: 🟩 3-1
Last 5: 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #20 |
League Match | #20 |
Manager Game | #169 |
Saturday, 16 December 1893
Division One
Scorer(s) | Own Goal | 1-0 | 3-1 | Albert Brown | 2-0 |
Assist(s) | None

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning | 🏴 |
D John Baird | 🏴 |
CB Jimmy Cowan | 🏴 |
FB Jimmy Welford | 🏴 |
M Jack Reynolds | 🏴 |
M George Russell | 🏴 | 🟢 |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 |
W Charlie Athersmith | 🏴 |
F Jack Devey | 🏴 |
F Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 |
F Albert Brown | 🏴 |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period
Match Timeline
🟢 | 1’ Debut, George Russell
🕒 | HT Newton Heath 0-0 Aston Villa
⚽ | Goal, 1-0, Own Goal, Mitchell
⚽ | Goal, 2-0, Albert Brown or Jack Devey
🥅 | Goal, 2-1, (Newton Heath), Peden
⚽ | Goal, 3-1, Own Goal, Mitchell
🕒 | FT Newton Heath 1-3 Aston Villa
On This Day
Albert Brown scores Villa's second as they record their sixth successive victory having seen three own goals scored in two games to their credit.
Left half George Russell made his Villa debut aged 24 after moving from Ayr FC.
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟥 23 Dec 1893, Villa 0-3 Wolves, Molineux

Game #196
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
Referee: Unknown
HT Score: 🟥 0-1
FT Result: 🟥 Lost
FT Score: 🟥 0-3
Last 5: 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟥
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #21 |
League Match | #21 |
Manager Game | #170 |
Saturday, 23 December 1893
Division One
Scorer(s) | None
Assist(s) | None

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning | 🏴 |
FB John Baird | 🏴 |
CB Jimmy Cowan | 🏴 |
FB Jimmy Welford | 🏴 |
M Jack Reynolds | 🏴 |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 |
W Charlie Athersmith | 🏴 |
W Steve Smith | 🏴 |
F Jack Devey | 🏴 |
F Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 |
F Albert Brown | 🏴 |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
🥅 | 19’ Goal, 0-1, (Wolverhampton Wanderers)
🕒 | HT Wolverhampton Wanderers 1-0 Aston Villa
🥅 | 82’ Goal, 0-2, (Wolverhampton Wanderers, pen)
🥅 | Goal, 0-3, (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Jimmy Welford o.g.
🕒 | FT Wolverhampton Wanderers 3-0 Aston Villa
On This Day
George Ramsay's Villa lose for the first time in seven games but remain first in the table, eight points ahead of second placed Blackburn. The Rovers however have four games in hand on Villa.
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟩 26 Dec 1893, Villa 9-0 Darwen, Wellington Road

Game #197
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
Referee: H. Shelton | 🏴 | Nottingham
HT Score: 🟩 4-0
FT Result: 🟩 Won
FT Score: 🟩 9-0
Last 5: 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟥 🟩
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #22 |
League Match | #22 |
Manager Game | #171 |
Tuesday, 26 December 1893
Division One
Scorer(s) | Charlie Athersmith | 1-0 | 8-0 | Dennis Hodgetts | 2-0 | 4-0 | 7-0 | Jack Reynolds | 3-0 | Jack Devey | 5-0 | 9-0 | Albert Brown | 6-0 |
Assist(s) | Albert Brown | 1-0 | Willie Groves | 3-0 | Charlie Athersmith | 4-0 | 9-0 | Dennis Hodgetts | 5-0 | Jack Reynolds | 8-0 |

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning | 🏴 |
D John Baird | 🏴 |
CB Jimmy Cowan | 🏴 |
FB Jimmy Welford | 🏴 |
M Jack Reynolds | 🏴 | ⚽ | 🔥 |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | 🔥 |
W Charlie Athersmith | 🏴 | ⚽ | 🔥 | ⚽ | 🔥 |
W Steve Smith | 🏴 |
F Jack Devey | 🏴 | ⚽ | ⚽ |
F Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 | ⚽ | ⚽ | 🔥 | ⚽ |
F Albert Brown | 🏴 | 🔥 | ⚽ |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period
Match Timeline
⚽ | Goal, 1-0, Charlie Athersmith, Assist by Albert Brown
⚽ | Goal, 2-0, Dennis Hodgetts
⚽ | Goal, 3-0, Jack Reynolds, Assist by Willie Groves
⚽ | Goal, 4-0, Dennis Hodgetts, Assist by Charlie Athersmith
🕒 | HT Aston Villa 4-0 Darwen
⚽ | 46' Goal, 5-0, Jack Devey, Assist by Dennis Hodgetts
⚽ | Goal, 6-0, Albert Brown
⚽ | Goal, 7-0, Dennis Hodgetts
⚽ | Goal, 8-0, Charlie Athersmith, Assist by Jack Reynolds
⚽ | Goal, 9-0, Jack Devey, Assist by Charlie Athersmith
🕒 | FT Aston Villa 9-0 Darwen
On This Day
Dennis Hodgetts hits a hat-trick as Villa record their biggest win of the season to make it seven wins in eight games.
Having only drawn with bottom club Darwen in the reverse fixture, Villa sit first in the table, 7 points ahead of second placed Burnley having played two games more.
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟩 27 Jan 1894, Villa 4-2 Wolves, Wellington Road

Game #200
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
Referee: John Lewis | 🏴 | Blackburn, 1889-
HT Score: 🟩 3-0
FT Result: 🟩 Won
FT Score: 🟩 4-2
Last 5: 🟥 🟩 🟨 🟩 🟩
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #25 |
Manager Game | #174 |
Saturday, 27 January 1894
FA Cup
Scorer(s) | Jimmy Cowan | 5' | Jack Devey | 17' | 4-2 | Bob Chatt | 33' |
Assist(s) | Willie Groves | 17' |

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning | 🏴 |
FB John Baird | 🏴 |
CB Jimmy Cowan | 🏴 | ⚽ |
FB Jim Elliott | 🏴 |
M Jack Reynolds | 🏴 |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | 🔥 |
W Charlie Athersmith | 🏴 |
W Albert Woolley | 🏴 |
F Jack Devey | 🏴 | ⚽ | ⚽ |
F Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 |
F Bob Chatt | 🏴 | ⚽ |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
⚽ | 5’ Goal, 1-0, Jimmy Cowan
⚽ | 17’ Goal, 2-0, Jack Devey, Assist by Willie Groves
⚽ | 33’ Goal, 3-0, Bob Chatt
🕒 | HT Aston Villa 3-0 Wolverhampton Wanderers
🥅 | 49’ Goal, 3-1, (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Griffin
🥅 | 54’ Goal, 3-2, (Wolverhampton Wanderers), Wood
⚽ | Goal, 4-2, Jack Devey
🕒 | FT Aston Villa 4-2 Wolverhampton Wanderers
On This Day
Jimmy Cowan scored his third goal in two games as Villa's 200th game sees them vanquish Wolves in the FA Cup.
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟩 3 Feb 1894, Villa 5-1 United, Wellington Road

Game #201
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
HT Score: 🟩 3-0
FT Score: 🟩 5-1
FT Result: 🟩 Won
Last 5: 🟩 🟨 🟩 🟩 🟩
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #26 |
League Match | #25 |
Manager Game | #175 |
Saturday, 3 February 1894
Division One
Scorer(s) | Jack Devey | 1-0 | 3-0 | 5-0 | Dennis Hodgetts | 2-0 | Jack Reynolds | 4-0 |
Assists(s) | Charlie Athersmith | 1-0 | 2-0 |

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning | 🏴 |
FB John Baird | 🏴 |
CB Jimmy Cowan | 🏴 |
FB Jim Elliott | 🏴 |
M Jack Reynolds | 🏴 | ⚽ |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 |
W Charlie Athersmith | 🏴 | 🔥 | 🔥 |
W Albert Woolley | 🏴 |
F Jack Devey | 🏴 | ⚽ | ⚽ | ⚽ |
F Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 | ⚽ |
F Bob Chatt | 🏴 |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
GK William Douglas | 🏴 |
RB Andrew Mitchell | 🏴 |
LH Fredrick Erentz | 🏴 |
LH William Davidson | 🏴 |
RH George Perrins | 🏴 |
IR William Stewart | 🏴 |
OL William Mathieson | 🏴 | ⚽ |
IF James McNaught | 🏴 |
F John Clarkin | 🏴 |
F Samuel Parker | 🏴 |
F Robert Donaldson | 🏴 |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period
Match Timeline
⚽ | Goal, 1-0, Jack Devey, Assist by Charlie Athersmith
⚽ | Goal, 2-0, Dennis Hodgetts, Assist by Charlie Athersmith
⚽ | Goal, 3-0, Jack Devey
🕒 | HT Aston Villa 3-0 Newton Heath
🥅 | Goal, 3-1, (Newton Heath), William Mathieseon
⚽ | Goal, 4-1, Jack Reynolds
⚽ | Goal, 5-1, Jack Devey
🕒 | FT Aston Villa 5-1 Newton Heath
On This Day
Jack Devey scores a hat-trick to see off Newton Heath as Villa won their third successive game,
Villa, unbeaten in five and having lost just one of the last twelve to leave them well clear at the top of the table P25, Pts 37 vs. second position Blackburn P23, Pts 30.
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟨 10 Feb 1894, Villa 2-2 Sunderland, Newcastle Road

Game #202
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
Referee: Charles Hughes | 🏴 | Northwich, 1889-
HT Score: 🟥 0-2
FT Score: 🟨 2-2
AET Result: 🟨 Drew
AET Score: 🟨 2-2
Last 5: 🟨 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟨
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #27 |
Manager Game | #176 |
Saturday, 10 February 1894
FA Cup
Scorer(s) | Dennis Hodgetts | 47’ | Jimmy Cowan | 82’ |
Assist(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning | 🏴 |
D John Baird | 🏴 |
CB Jimmy Cowan | 🏴 | ⚽ |
FB Jim Elliott | 🏴 |
M Jack Reynolds | 🏴 |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 |
W Charlie Athersmith | 🏴 |
W Albert Woolley | 🏴 |
F Jack Devey | 🏴 |
F Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 | ⚽ |
F Bob Chatt | 🏴 |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
J. Hannah
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
🥅 | 10’ Goal, 1-0, (Sunderland), Gillespie
🥅 | 30' Goal, 2-0, (Sunderland), Gillespie
🕒 | HT Sunderland 2-0 Aston Villa
⚽ | 46 ’ Goal, 2-1, Dennis Hodgetts
⚽ | 85’ Goal, 2-2, Jimmy Cowan
🕒 | FT Sunderland 2-2 Aston Villa
🕒 | AET Sunderland 2-2 Aston Villa
On This Day
Jimmy Cowan hits a late equaliser to force extra time having been 2 behind at half time but 120 minutes of play couldn't separate the reigning Champions and Champions elect in the second round of the FA Cup.
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟩 21 Feb 1894, Villa 3-1 Sunderland, Wellington Road

Game #203
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
Referee: Tom Armitt | 🏴 | Leek
HT Score: 🟩 2-0
FT Result: 🟩 Won
FT Score: 🟩 3-1
Last 5: 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟨 🟩
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #28 |
Manager Game | #177 |
Wednesday, 21 February 1894
FA Cup
Scorers | Charlie Athersmith | 1’ | Bob Chatt | 37’ | Dennis Hodgetts | 55’ |
Assist(s) | Charlie Athersmith | 37' |

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning | 🏴 |
FB John Baird | 🏴 |
CB Jimmy Cowan | 🏴 |
FB Jim Elliott | 🏴 |
M Jack Reynolds | 🏴 |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 |
W Charlie Athersmith | 🏴 | ⚽ | 🔥 |
W Albert Woolley | 🏴 |
F Jack Devey | 🏴 |
F Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 | ⚽ |
F Bob Chatt | 🏴 | ⚽ |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
⚽ | 1’ Goal, 1-0, Charlie Athersmith
⚽ | 37’ Goal, 2-0, Bob Chatt, Assist by Charlie Athersmith
🕒 | HT Aston Villa 2-0 Sunderland
⚽ | 55’ Goal, 3-0, Dennis Hodgetts
🥅 | Goal, 3-1, (Sunderland), Hannah
🕒 | FT Aston Villa 3-1 Sunderland
On This Day
Charlie Athersmith scores in the first minute and Villa never look back as they sweep aside Sunderland in the FA Cup replay.
The original replay match up between these two sides took place on Saturday, 17 February 1894 and ended in a 2-0 victory for Villa however due to the game being played in a heavy fall of rain and snow, at the conclusion of the game a meeting of the Emergency Committee was held, and it was decided to regard that match as a friendly one.
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟥 24 Feb 1894, Villa 2-3 Wednesday, Olive Grove

Game #204
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
Referee: Charles Hughes | 🏴 | Northwich, 1889-
HT Score: 🟨 1-1
FT Score: 🟨 2-2
AET Result: 🟥 Lost
AET Score: 🟥 2-3
Last 5: 🟩 🟩 🟨 🟩 🟥
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #29 |
Manager Game | #178 |
Saturday, 24 February 1894
FA Cup
Scorer(s) | Bob Chatt | 40’ | 72’ |
Assist(s) | None

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning | 🏴 |
D John Baird | 🏴 |
CB Jimmy Cowan | 🏴 |
FB Jim Elliott | 🏴 |
M Jack Reynolds | 🏴 |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 |
W Charlie Athersmith | 🏴 |
W Albert Woolley | 🏴 | 🚑 |
F Jack Devey | 🏴 |
F Dennis Hodgetts | 🏴 |
F Bob Chatt | 🏴 | ⚽ | ⚽ | 🚑 |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
H. Brandon
W. Betts
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
🥅 | 10' Goal, 0-1, (Sheffield Wednesday), Woolhouse
⚽ | 40’ Goal, 1-1, Bob Chatt
🕒 | HT Sheffield Wednesday 1-1 Aston Villa
⚽ | 72’ Goal, 2-1, Bob Chatt
🚑 | Player injured on field of play, Bob Chatt
🚑 | Player injured on field of play, Albert Woolley
🥅 | 87’ Goal, 2-2, (Sheffield Wednesday), Spikesley
🕒 | FT Sheffield Wednesday 2-2 Aston Villa
🥅 | 114’ Goal, 2-3, (Sheffield Wednesday), Woolhouse
🕒 | AET Sheffield Wednesday 3-2 Aston Villa
On This Day
Despite a Bob Chatt brace and leading with 3' remaining of regulation time Villa lose out to Wednesday after having to play extra time with just nine fit players.
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟥 3 Mar 1894, Villa 2-3 Bolton, Wellington Road

Game #205
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
Referee: Unknown
HT Score:
FT Result: 🟥 Lost
FT Score: 🟥 2-3
Last 5: 🟩 🟨 🟩 🟥 🟥
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #30 |
League Match | #26 |
Manager Game | #179 |
Saturday, 3 March 1894
Division One
Scorer(s) | Bob Chatt | 22' | 50' |
Assist(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Frank Coulton | 🏴 | 🔴 |
FB John Baird | 🏴 |
CB Jimmy Cowan | 🏴 |
FB Jim Elliott | 🏴 |
M George Russell | 🏴 |
M Willie Groves | 🏴 |
M Fred Burton | 🏴 |
W Charlie Athersmith | 🏴 |
W Steve Smith | 🏴 |
F Bob Chatt | 🏴 | ⚽ | ⚽ |
F William Devey | 🏴 | 🔴 |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
Not Recorded
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
🥅 | 15' Goal, 0-1, (Bolton Wanderers), Jimmy Cowan o.g.
⚽ | 22' Goal, 1-1, Bob Chatt
🕒 | HT Aston Villa 1-1 Bolton Wanderers
⚽ | 50' Goal, 2-1, Bob Chatt
🥅 | Goal, 2-2, (Bolton Wanderers)
🥅 | Goal, 2-3, (Bolton Wanderers)
🕒 | FT Aston Villa 2-3 Bolton Wanderers
On This Day
Bob Chatt scores his fifth goal in three games but Villa are beaten as they are were forced to play this fixture without Jack Reynolds, Jack Devey and Dennis Hodgetts who were all instructed to join the national side or risk punishment.
Villa were also without the injured Albert Woolley as well as both 'keepers Bill Dunning and Len Benwell.
As a result defender Frank Coulton, who last played for Villa in March 1892 is selected as goalkeeper in his final appearance for the club.
Forward William Devey made his final appearance for Villa aged 28 before moving on to Walsall Town Swifts.
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟩 24 Mar 1894, Villa 2-1 Blackburn, Wellington Road

Game #206
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
FT Score | 2-1 |
FT Result | Won |
Last 5 Games | DWLLW |
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #31 |
League Match | #27 |
Manager Game | #180 |
Saturday, 24 March 1894
Division One
Scorer(s) | Bob Chatt | Bob Chatt |
Assists(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jim Elliott |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Charlie Athersmith |
W Steve Smith |
F Bob Chatt |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
[Exact timings not recorded]
Goal, 0-1, (Blackburn Rovers)
Goal, 1-1, Bob Chatt, Assist by Jack Devey
HT Aston Villa 1-1 Blackburn Rovers
Goal, 2-1, Bob Chatt, Assist by Steve Smith
FT Aston Villa 2-1 Blackburn Rovers
On This Day
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟨 26 Mar 1894, Villa 1-1 Wolves, Wellington Road

Game #207
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
FT Score | 1-1 |
FT Result | Drew |
Last 5 Games | WLLWD |
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #32 |
League Match | #28 |
Manager Game | #181 |
Monday, 26 March 1894
Division One
Scorer(s) | Charlie Athersmith |
Assists(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jim Elliott |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Charlie Athersmith |
W Steve Smith |
F Bob Chatt |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
[Exact timings not recorded]
Goal, 1-0, Charlie Athersmith, Assist by Dennis Hodgetts
HT Aston Villa 1-0 Wolverhampton Wanderers
Goal, 1-1, (Wolverhampton Wanderers, pen)
FT Aston Villa 1-0 Wolverhampton Wanderers
On This Day
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟩 7 Apr 1894, Villa 6-3 Burnley, Turf Moor

Game #208
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
FT Score | 6-3 |
FT Result | Won |
Last 5 Games | LLWDW |
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #33 |
League Match | #29 |
Manager Game | #182 |
Saturday, 7 April 1894
Division One
Scorer(s) | Willie Groves | Jack Devey | Jack Devey | Dennis Hodgetts | Willie Groves | Jack Devey |
Assists(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jim Elliott |
M George Russell |
M Fred Burton |
M Willie Groves |
W Charlie Athersmith |
W Steve Smith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions Permitted in Period
Match Timeline
[Exact chronological timings not recorded]
15’ Goal, 1-0, Willie Groves
Goal, 1-1, (Burnley)
HT Burnley 1-1 Aston Villa
Goal, 2-1, Jack Devey
Goal, 3-1, Jack Devey
Goal, 3-2, (Burnley)
Goal, 4-2, Dennis Hodgetts
Goal, 4-3, (Burnley)
Goal, 5-3, Willie Groves
Goal, 6-3, Jack Devey
FT Burnley 6-1 Aston Villa
On This Day
M Willie Groves | 🏴 | #99 |
🟩 14 Apr 1894, Villa 3-1 Forest, Wellington Road

Game #209
Manager: George Ramsay | 🏴 | Glasgow, 1886-1926 led Management Committee
FT Score | 3-1 |
FT Result | Won |
Last 5 Games | LWDWW |
Season | 1893-94 |
Matchday | #34 |
League Match | #30 |
Manager Game | #183 |
Saturday, 14 April 1894
Division One
Scorer(s) | Charlie Athersmith | Bob Chatt | Jack Devey |
Assists(s) | Not recorded

Starting XI
GK Bill Dunning |
D John Baird |
CB Jimmy Cowan |
FB Jim Elliott |
M Jack Reynolds |
M Willie Groves |
W Charlie Athersmith |
W Steve Smith |
F Jack Devey |
F Dennis Hodgetts |
F Bob Chatt |
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period

Starting XI
No Substitutions permitted in period
Unused Substitutes
No Substitutions permitted in period
Match Timeline
[Exact timings not recorded]
Goal, 0-1, (Nottingham Forest)
HT Aston Villa 0-1 Nottingham Forest
Goal, 1-1, Charlie Athersmith
Goal, 2-1, Bob Chatt
Goal, 3-1, Jack Devey
FT Aston Villa 3-1 Nottingham Forest